Master in Smart Solutions & Data Science

Master in Smart Solutions & Data Science
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March 2024

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Master in Smart Solutions & Data Science


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March 2024

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You will learn from sensorics to the latest Data Science techniques.
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The Master in Internet of Things & Data Science is composed of two programs:

Master the complete data cycle.

With the Master in Data Science & Big Data you will learn the basics of data science, from data pre-processing to the main algorithms of predictive analytics. In this training we will provide you with the basics of Statistics and Python needed to work with data.

In the Master in Internet of Things you will learn from the sensor to communications, through IoT platforms, as well as the most common prototyping techniques. Fundamental concepts about Blockchain, cybersecurity and new business models will also be introduced.

Why Smart Solutions &
Data Science?


Data Scientist is the No. 1 job demand on the largest specialized job portal and will remain in that position for years to come.

Source: Glassdoor.

91.5% of European companies see adopting IoT solutions as critical to business success

Source: Microsoft.
Módulo 1
Master in Data Science & Big Data
Data Science Fundamentals
Data Science Fundamentals
Introduction to data science. Presentation of the general framework.
Statistics for Data Science
Statistics for Data Science
Review of the fundamentals of statistics necessary to master data science.
Data Science with Python
Data Science with Python
Python as a framework for data science specialist. Notebook development, use of pandas, numpy, matplotlib. Data processing from structured (CSV, REST, HSQL, Logs) and unstructured (Web, Spark, Cassandra) sources.
Big Data Fundamentals
Big Data Fundamentals
Overview of the fundamental concepts of Big Data solutions. Reference architectures and adoption models will be reviewed with the main current technologies including real-time data ingestion, analysis and visualization processes.
Data Pre-processing
Data Pre-processing
How to properly pre-process data. Application of filters, data anonymization, attribute selection, sampling and dimensionality reduction.
Data Visualization
Data Visualization
How to visualize different types of data, which techniques to use?
Advanced Data Processing
Advanced Data Processing
Data source processing (ETL/ELT). Batch processing architectures, streaming. Databases (structured and unstructured).
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Introduction to time series analysis, review of the best available algorithms. Development of use cases for anomaly detection and series prediction.
Machine Learning I
Machine Learning I
Introduction to classification and clustering problems. How to evaluate the results? How to build the datasets? Review of the main algorithms and their application.
Entrepreneurship I
Entrepreneurship I
Discussion and discovery of new business models based on Data Science.
Final Project
Final Project
Creation of your IOT group project with the use of collected data applied to the subject of your interest or provided by one of our partner companies.
Módulo 1
Master in Data Science & Big Data
Data Science Fundamentals
Data Science Fundamentals
Introduction to data science. Presentation of the general framework.
Statistics for Data Science
Statistics for Data Science
Review of the fundamentals of statistics necessary to master data science.
Data Science with Python
Data Science with Python
Python as a framework for data science specialist. Notebook development, use of pandas, numpy, matplotlib. Data processing from structured (CSV, REST, HSQL, Logs) and unstructured (Web, Spark, Cassandra) sources.
Big Data Fundamentals
Big Data Fundamentals
Overview of the fundamental concepts of Big Data solutions. Reference architectures and adoption models will be reviewed with the main current technologies including real-time data ingestion, analysis and visualization processes.
Data Pre-processing
Data Pre-processing
How to properly pre-process data. Application of filters, data anonymization, attribute selection, sampling and dimensionality reduction.
Data Visualization
Data Visualization
How to visualize different types of data, which techniques to use?
Advanced Data Processing
Advanced Data Processing
Data source processing (ETL/ELT). Batch processing architectures, streaming. Databases (structured and unstructured).
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Introduction to time series analysis, review of the best available algorithms. Development of use cases for anomaly detection and series prediction.
Machine Learning I
Machine Learning I
Introduction to classification and clustering problems. How to evaluate the results? How to build the datasets? Review of the main algorithms and their application.
Entrepreneurship I
Entrepreneurship I
Discussion and discovery of new business models based on Data Science.
Final Project
Final Project
Creation of your IOT group project with the use of collected data applied to the subject of your interest or provided by one of our partner companies.
Módulo 2
Master in Internet of Things
The Things Foundations
The Things Foundations
Review of all elements ranging from sensor to communications to IoT platforms.
Introduction to the main elements (sensors, boards, microcontrollers) that allow the construction of Smart connected objects. To know the most common prototype development techniques. Review of the main algorithms and their application.
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of IoT Platforms, reasoning, from the typical requirements of a project, about the need for an IoT platform.
Ecosystem Foundations
Ecosystem Foundations
Review of metamodels and use cases for different industries and types of companies.
Smart Cities
Smart Cities
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of connected city solutions.
Industrial IoT
Industrial IoT
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of industrial digitalization through the techniques and infrastructure of the Internet.
Smart Health
Smart Health
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of automation in the health sector through techniques related to the connectivity of objects with data networks.
Smart Home
Smart Home
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of home automation through techniques related to the connectivity of objects with data networks.
3D Printing
3D Printing
The objective of this course is to become familiar with digital manufacturing processes, in particular the 3D printing technique.
Security for IoT
Security for IoT
El objetivo del curso es introducir los conceptos fundamentales de la seguridad en los sistemas de información y específicamente su aplicación práctica en entornos IoT.
The objective of the course is to understand the different communication technologies and protocols existing in the IoT environment, their pros and cons and to be able to decide which one or which combination may be the most appropriate for a specific use case.
Introduction to the Blockchain world.
IoT Project Management
IoT Project Management
The objective of this course is to learn about the phases of project development and implementation, identify those elements to be taken into account to facilitate the execution, minimizing the foreseeable incidences found in this type of projects.
Entrepreneurship II
Entrepreneurship II
Discussion and discovery of new business models based on IoT.
Final Project
Final Project
Design of your IoT company. The theme may be proposed by the student in groups of 3 to 4 members maximum.
Módulo 2
Master in Internet of Things
The Things Foundations
The Things Foundations
Review of all elements ranging from sensor to communications to IoT platforms.
Introduction to the main elements (sensors, boards, microcontrollers) that allow the construction of Smart connected objects. To know the most common prototype development techniques. Review of the main algorithms and their application.
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of IoT Platforms, reasoning, from the typical requirements of a project, about the need for an IoT platform.
Ecosystem Foundations
Ecosystem Foundations
Review of metamodels and use cases for different industries and types of companies.
Smart Cities
Smart Cities
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of connected city solutions.
Industrial IoT
Industrial IoT
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of industrial digitalization through the techniques and infrastructure of the Internet.
Smart Health
Smart Health
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of automation in the health sector through techniques related to the connectivity of objects with data networks.
Smart Home
Smart Home
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of home automation through techniques related to the connectivity of objects with data networks.
3D Printing
3D Printing
The objective of this course is to become familiar with digital manufacturing processes, in particular the 3D printing technique.
Security for IoT
Security for IoT
El objetivo del curso es introducir los conceptos fundamentales de la seguridad en los sistemas de información y específicamente su aplicación práctica en entornos IoT.
The objective of the course is to understand the different communication technologies and protocols existing in the IoT environment, their pros and cons and to be able to decide which one or which combination may be the most appropriate for a specific use case.
Introduction to the Blockchain world.
IoT Project Management
IoT Project Management
The objective of this course is to learn about the phases of project development and implementation, identify those elements to be taken into account to facilitate the execution, minimizing the foreseeable incidences found in this type of projects.
Entrepreneurship II
Entrepreneurship II
Discussion and discovery of new business models based on IoT.
Final Project
Final Project
Design of your IoT company. The theme may be proposed by the student in groups of 3 to 4 members maximum.
Solicita información
Solicita admisión
Adrián De La Iglesia
Simulation Developer
Alberto Rodriguez
Presidente TheCUBE
Alvaro Montero
Senior Business Analytics Consultant
Andrés Escribano
IoT Global Business Director
Andrés Haddad
Borja Rodriguez Vila
Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Carlos Picazo
Co Founder, Strategy & Finance Leader
Crisanto De Los Santos
Daniel Montilla
Tech Leader & Machine Learning Engineer

Ver todos

Learn from professionals
from world-class companies
Adrián De La Iglesia
Simulation Developer
Alberto Rodriguez
Presidente TheCUBE
Alvaro Montero
Senior Business Analytics Consultant
Andrés Escribano
IoT Global Business Director
Andrés Haddad
Borja Rodriguez Vila
Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Carlos Picazo
Co Founder, Strategy & Finance Leader
Crisanto De Los Santos
Daniel Montilla
Tech Leader & Machine Learning Engineer
David Cristóbal
Solutions Consultant
David López
Software Engineer for IoT/XR Solutions & Innovation Project Manager
Diego García
Co Founder, Technology & Development Leader
Ernesto Padilla
Data Science Consultant
Fabiola Pérez
Jesús Hernando
Dr. Grupo de Ingeniería de Software
Jorge Artieda
Manager Skill Center Connected Things
Jose Antonio Ondivela
Smart Cities Solutions Director
José Vicente Toribio
IoT Product Marketing Manager
Juan Benavente
Head of Digital Ventures Sales and Partnerships
Juan José Beunza
Director Machine Learning Health
Manuel Lopez
Machine Learning Researcher
Mikel Rufián
Global Managing Director
Oscar Fernández
Software Engineer for Data Visualization Solutions
Víctor Vaquero
Data Scientist
Learn from professionals
from world-class companies
Adrián De La Iglesia
Simulation Developer
Alberto Rodriguez
Presidente TheCUBE
Alvaro Montero
Senior Business Analytics Consultant
Andrés Escribano
IoT Global Business Director
Andrés Haddad
Borja Rodriguez Vila
Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Carlos Picazo
Co Founder, Strategy & Finance Leader
Crisanto De Los Santos
Daniel Montilla
Tech Leader & Machine Learning Engineer
David Cristóbal
Solutions Consultant
David López
Software Engineer for IoT/XR Solutions & Innovation Project Manager
Diego García
Co Founder, Technology & Development Leader
Ernesto Padilla
Data Science Consultant
Fabiola Pérez
Jesús Hernando
Dr. Grupo de Ingeniería de Software
Jorge Artieda
Manager Skill Center Connected Things
Jose Antonio Ondivela
Smart Cities Solutions Director
José Vicente Toribio
IoT Product Marketing Manager
Juan Benavente
Head of Digital Ventures Sales and Partnerships
Juan José Beunza
Director Machine Learning Health
Manuel Lopez
Machine Learning Researcher
Mikel Rufián
Global Managing Director
Oscar Fernández
Software Engineer for Data Visualization Solutions
Víctor Vaquero
Data Scientist
Next Edition

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18:30 - 22:30

17:00 - 21:00

10 Months
370 Hours

25 people
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«You learn by building. They give you the foundation to present a Complete IoT solution from start to finish, what you need to go to market and be able to expose it.»

«I would highlight the wide variety of subjects focused on the IoT world that make up the Master’s program. They are not only based on a single technology, but cover various fields such as smart health, smart cities or even smart industries. It gives you the possibility to approach different areas of each field related to this technology in the real world.»

Tamara Arévalo Sánchez
Software Developer - IoT and Mobility at Sanitas
Master in Smart Solutions & Data Science Alumni
Victor Vela
Solutions Delivery Engineer at Sigfox
Master in Smart Solutions & Data Science Alumni
Price &
Master in Data
Science & Big Data
Master in
Smart Solutions
Master in
Smart Solutions & Data Science
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You are 3 steps away from becoming an Smart Solutions & Data Science expert.

You are 3 steps away from becoming an Smart Solutions & Data Science expert.

Step 1

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Let us know your profile to confirm that this is the right course for you.

Step 2

This is the opportunity to get to know each other and clarify any doubts you may have.

Step 3

Our admissions committee will assess your application and motivation.
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Some of the professional outputs that will be within your reach
IoT Cloud Developer
Deep Learning Expert
Business Analyst
Data Scientist
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